
Bulk download

  • As the goal is to compile a selection of materials into a course, the most convenient is to bulk download all the materials from the repository and select the blocks from the folder.

  • Alternatively, you can check the class notes directly, and download the materials of each block:

Introduction (I)

content: - Introduction to Critical Quant - Introduction to R

Introduction (II)

content: - Introduction to Critical Quant - Introduction to R - Version control and Documentation

Version Control

content: - GIT - Rmarkdown

Descriptive Statistics

content: - Probability and Statistics overview - Tests, correlations, confidence intervals and p-values

Linear Regression

content: - Simple and multiple linear regression - Model assumptions and coefficient interpretation

Logistic Regression

content: - logistic function - generalization: multinomial logistic regression - model assumptions

Shiny Apps

content: - server and UI - interactive visualizations with ggplotly - note: this should be tought after 8 (tidyverse) and 9 (data storytelling)


content: - data wrangling - joins - Pivots - functions

Data Storytelling

content: - grammar of graphics - types of figures - multiple aesthetic attributes


content: - This material is a mix of 8 (tidyverse) and 9 (dataviz), for a fast-paced course

Web Scraping

content: - html - Extracting data - API


“normalization imputation. Categorical, continous”

Supervised Learning

Non-parametric classification methods. KNN.
Parametric methods. Bayes theorem for classification

Unsupervised Learning

Clustering: K-means, hierarchical clustering


Train test overfitting metrics: precision, recall, F1

Text Mining

“regex text processing Quantitative representation of text”

Topic Modeling

Topic modeling, LDA, BERTOPIC


Word Embeddings Pre-trained language models BERT

Deep Learning

FCNN, Optimization, CNN

Social Network Analysis

Elements of a network, types of networks, Networks representation an metrics, social networks