For students
To be able to work with these materials, you will need:
1. R and R studio installed in your computer
2. Git
- Create a account
- setup git in your computer
Also, the following packages are needed for many of the materials:
Each materials block use different packages, so be sure to have everything installed beforehand
For instructors
class notes
The class notes are built in quarto markdown, which allows for quick changes in the type of outputs. this can be made through a quick modification of the YALM.
Each class note comes with a YALM header as follows:
title: "Introduction I"
runningheader: "class notes" # only for pdf output
subtitle: "class notes" # only for html output
format: html
#format: pdf
# format:
# revealjs:
# scrollable: true
# smaller: true
editor: visual
bibliography: references.bib
- by default, this creates an html output.
- If you prefer to work with slides, you need to comment
format: html
and un-comment the following:
# format:
# revealjs:
# scrollable: true
# smaller: true
- To build a pdf, which can be a good way to build a compilation of all materials for printing, un-comment the
format: pdf